Welcome to the Sacred Roots Podcast.

Join our discussions covering a vast array of intellectual topics.

Farangi Mahall, Khairabadi Pedagogy, Ibn Arabi & Late Mughal Rational Works | Khairabadi Institute

We'll be looking at: Pivotal Scholars in the Subcontinent & Khairabadī Pedagogy Farangi Mahall, the Nizāmī curriculum, Sufism & Western views on Muslim scholarship. Kalām & the Divine Attributes of God according to the Muhaqqiqīn (verifying scholars).

Who Are the Maturidis?

Explore the rich history and contributions of the Māturīdīs, defenders of the Ahl al-Sunnah through Kalām. Join us as we delve into their origins, key differences from the Asharis, flourishing periods, and prominent scholars & texts.

Who Are The Sunnis?

The Introductory Seminar on al-Aqa'id al-Adudiyyah of Qadi Adud al-Din al-Iji is up! This seminar includes an in-depth exploration on the opening of the text which begins with the Hadith of the Saved Sect.

Why Kalam Matters

In this episode, we delve into the science of Kalam, exploring its development, particularly during the late Mughal period. We focus on the Farangi Mahall scholars and their influential offshoot, the Khairabadis. The podcast concludes with a discussion on Imam ‘Aḍud-Dīn Al-Ījī's contributions to Kalam and his renowned work, al-‘Aqā’id al-‘Aḍudīyyah.

Sayyid Muhammad al-Maliki - A Meccan Treasure

In this video we go through the life, achievements & legacy of Shaykh Sayyid Muhammad Bin Alawī Al-Mālikī Al-Makkī Al-Hassanī with his dear son-in-law Shaykh Sayyid Ma'an al-Dabbagh.