The Legacy of the Farangi Mahalli Lineage

Legacy of Knowledge and Spirituality: The Farangi Mahalli Lineage

The Ulama of Farangi Mahall were a remarkable family tracing their lineage back to the time of the Holy Prophet (Salutations & Peace be upon him), specifically to Hz. Abu Ayyub al-Ansari, who is acknowledged among the fuqaha & qurra of the Companions (Allah be pleased with them all).

Records document the complete lineage of the Farangi Mahallis, tracing their descent through the 11th-century Sufi Saint, Shaykh al-Islam, Abu Ism’ail ‘Abd Allah al-Ansari (d. 1088) of Herat.

Mulla Abd al-Rahman Jami dedicates an entire section to Shaykh al-Islam in his ‘Nafahaat al-Uns’, asserting that the title ‘Shaykh al-Islam’ throughout his book exclusively refers to ‘Abd Allah al-Ansari, the esteemed forefather of the Farangi Mahallis.

The ancestors of the Farangi Mahallis migrated to India in the early years of the Delhi Sultanate. Records indicate that the great Chisti Saint, Mahbub al-Ilah, Nizam al-Din Awliya, prayed for the knowledge and piety of some ancestors and their descendants.

This esteemed family, embodying knowledge and spirituality, made a significant impact upon their arrival in the Subcontinent. They were not only spiritual sages themselves but also companions to the renowned saints of their time, receiving their blessings. 

It was the noble individuals from this lineage who revolutionised the educational system of the Subcontinent, initiating a 'golden age' in the field of knowledge and ideas.

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Shiraz to the Farangi Mahall


Al-Rawd al-Majud