
Two Walī-Allahs, One Legacy
Khairabadi Institute Khairabadi Institute

Two Walī-Allahs, One Legacy

Shāh Walī-Allah Dehlawī is a widely celebrated figure from the Indian Subcontinent, whose scholarly importance is recognised globally. Those unfamiliar with the region recognise the exceptional scholarship of the late Mughal period through their familiarity with Shāh Walī-Allah Dehlawī. This recognition itself serves as a testament to his greatness.

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The Spirit of the Farangi Mahall
Khairabadi Institute Khairabadi Institute

The Spirit of the Farangi Mahall

Every Islamic tradition possesses a unique essence, a distinct quality or spirit that defines its identity. Within the Farangi Mahall intellectual tradition, this essence finds its embodiment in the figure of "The Greatest Shaykh, Muhyi al-Din Ibn 'Arabi, may Allah sanctify his secret. Central to the Farangi Mahall tradition stands 'Abd al-'Ali, renowned as Bahr al-'Ulum. 

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Al-Iji’s ‘al-Mawaqif’ in the Indian Subcontinent
Khairabadi Institute Khairabadi Institute

Al-Iji’s ‘al-Mawaqif’ in the Indian Subcontinent

Qādi Aḍud al-dīn al-Ījī’s renowned work, ‘al-Mawāqif fī ‘ilm al-kalām’, and its accompanying commentaries emerged as pivotal texts within the Sunnī madrasa curriculum from the fourteenth century CE onwards.

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A Biography of Mufti Fazl-i-Subhan al-Qadiri
Khairabadi Institute Khairabadi Institute

A Biography of Mufti Fazl-i-Subhan al-Qadiri

We were honoured to welcome Shaykh Fazl-i-Subhān al-Qādirī to the United Kingdom, a distinguished inheritor and proponent of the Ghazālian and Nizāmī tradition. He comes from a lineage steeped in Islamic scholarship, being the son of the renowned jurist and saintly figure, Qādī Shāhista Gul, who in turn himself studied directly under Imām Ahmad Ridā’ al-Qādirī.

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Imam Adud-Din al-Iji
Khairabadi Institute Khairabadi Institute

Imam Adud-Din al-Iji

Imām ʿAḍud al-Dīn al-Ījī (AH 680–756/1281–1356 CE) served as a renowned Muslim theologian and jurist during the Il-khanid era. Originating from a distinguished lineage of scholars and jurists in Īg, near the strait of Hormuz in the Persian Gulf, he pursued a career in the court of the Mongol dynasty, particularly under the Il-khanids in Tabriz.

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Beyond Logic
Khairabadi Institute Khairabadi Institute

Beyond Logic

Traditional Sunni Kalam is a paradigm of thinking that aligns with truth and provides rational explanations for theological concepts. It arose in response to heretical beliefs and groups.

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Ibn Arabi’s Influence on the Farangi Mahallis
Khairabadi Institute Khairabadi Institute

Ibn Arabi’s Influence on the Farangi Mahallis

The scholars of the Farangi Mahall and the Khairabadis held a deep reverence for al-Shaykh al-Akbar ibn Arabi. Mullā Nizāmuddīn, the namesake for the Dars-i-Nizāmī curriculum and a follower of the Chishti Sufi order, was known to teach the Fusus al-Hikam of Shaykh Muhyiddin Ibn Arabi.

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The Lineage of Scholarly Excellence
Khairabadi Institute Khairabadi Institute

The Lineage of Scholarly Excellence

The scholars of the Farangi Mahall and their later offshoot, the Khairabadis, hail from a distinguished lineage of Islamic scholarship. Interestingly, despite being Maturidis (followers of Imam Maturidi), their chain of transmission ultimately leads back to al-Qadi al-Imam ‘Aḍud-Dīn Al-Ījī, a prominent Ashari scholar (follower of Imam al-Ash'ari). Imam Al-Ījī's intellectual lineage connects with the Imam of the Ahl-Sunnah, Imam Abu l-Hassan al-Ash'ari, through Imam Razi and Imam Ghazali.

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Kalam for Islam’s Defenders
Khairabadi Institute Khairabadi Institute

Kalam for Islam’s Defenders

Traditional works of Islamic Theology serve as a treasure trove for contemporary defenders of Islam's pure Creed. Early Sunni Mutakallimun (theologians) were masters at deconstructing philosophies of their time and earlier periods. They directly engaged with these ideas using sound & rational arguments against them while fiercely defending the purity of Islamic beliefs.

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Shiraz to the Farangi Mahall
Khairabadi Institute Khairabadi Institute

Shiraz to the Farangi Mahall

The Farangi Mahall tradition takes immense pride in its illustrious lineage of scholars. Recognising these influential figures helps us understand the foundation for the remarkable heights achieved by the Farangi Mahallis over the next three centuries.

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The Legacy of the Farangi Mahalli Lineage
Khairabadi Institute Khairabadi Institute

The Legacy of the Farangi Mahalli Lineage

The Ulama of Farangi Mahall were a remarkable family tracing their lineage back to the time of the Holy Prophet (Salutations & Peace be upon him), specifically to Hz. Abu Ayyub al-Ansari, who is acknowledged among the fuqaha & qurra of the Companions (Allah be pleased with them all).

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Al-Rawd al-Majud
Khairabadi Institute Khairabadi Institute

Al-Rawd al-Majud

Allama Fazl-e-Haq Khairabadi was not only an Imam in the transmitted and rational sciences, but also a Chishti Sufi in his spiritual practice (suluk). A profound defender of the concept of wahdat al-wujud, he wasn't a mere follower (muqallid) in this matter.

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Allama Abd al-Hayy Lucknowi
Khairabadi Institute Khairabadi Institute

Allama Abd al-Hayy Lucknowi

The scholars of the Farangi Mahall were undoubtedly great Fuqaha and Jurists. Among the esteemed scholars who were spiritual successors of the Farangi Mahalli tradition was Allama Abd al-Hayy Lucknowi.

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Origins of Dars-i-Nizami
Khairabadi Institute Khairabadi Institute

Origins of Dars-i-Nizami

The Indian Subcontinent produced some of the greatest experts of the Islamic Sciences over the course of centuries. A significant contributor to this chain of prestige scholarship, especially in the last few centuries has been the Dars-e-Nizami curriculum, designed by one of the leading scholars of his age, Mulla Nizam al-Din Sihalwi (d. 1747 CE), after whom the curriculum is named.

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