The Origin of the Khairabadis

The Origin Story of the Khairabadi Ulama and the development of their Tradition

The arrival of British colonial forces in India marked a turning point, dramatically reshaping the subcontinent's political landscape. Responding to such challenges, a prominent branch of the Farangī Mahallīs, known as the Khairabādīs, emerged as leading figures in upholding this rich tradition of Dars-i-Nizāmī. Notably, Allama Faẓl-i-Haq Khairabādī (d. 1859 CE) embodies this dedication. 

Allama Faẓl-i-Haq Khairābādī (d. 1278AH) who traces his lineage back to Sayyidunā ʻUmar b. Khaṭtab (may Allah be pleased with him), stands as one of the most important scholars of the late Mughal period up until the take over of the British Rāj. He mastered both the transmitted and rational sciences, reaching an expert level in both. 

He is credited with revitalising the study of Logic through his teachings and writings. His efforts produced a generation of leading experts in the field and spurred new research and discussions in the rational sciences, a level of achievement not witnessed before or since. This earned him the title of ‘muʻallim al-Rābʻi’ (fourth teacher). Allama Faẓl-ẓ-Haq Khairabadī was not only an Imam in the transmitted and rational sciences, but also a Chishti Sufī in his spiritual practice (suluk). A profound defender of the concept of wahdat al-wujud, he wasn't a mere follower (muqallid) in this matter. He possessed a 'mujtahid-like' insight into the concept, and with this kind of knowledge, he was able to understand & teach it in a profound way.

Other Notable Khairābādīs include: Imam Faẓl-i-Imām Khairābādī (Faẓl-i-Haq’s father), Allama ʻAbd al-Haq Khairābādī (his son), The Sadr al-Sudūr of Delhi Sadr al-Dīn Khān Āzurda, Shaykh al-Islām Qamar al-Dīn Siyālwi Khairābādī & Mawlāna Yār Muhammad Bandyālwi among others. Today, the inheritors of the Khairabādī tradition continue to play a vital role in preserving and furthering the rich legacy of the Farangī Mahall.


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Al-Iji’s ‘al-Mawaqif’ in the Indian Subcontinent